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Mail Archives: djgpp/1997/05/29/04:12:59

Date: Thu, 29 May 1997 11:11:20 +0300 (IDT)
From: Eli Zaretskii <eliz AT is DOT elta DOT co DOT il>
To: "Peter J. Farley III" <pjfarley AT dorsai DOT org>
cc: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
Subject: Re: REPOST: DJGPP/BASH: Need setup advice, please
In-Reply-To: <338cc5a2.744106@news.dorsai.org>
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.970529105129.17046G-100000@is>
MIME-Version: 1.0

On Wed, 28 May 1997, Peter J. Farley III wrote:

> Q1:  What directory structure(s) do I need to set up to provide a
> more-or-less "standard" GNU/DJGPP environment, other than the ones
> delivered as part of DJGPP? (E.G., /usr hierarchy?)

I don't think you need this with DJGPP.  DJGPP's directory tree assumes
that the default value of ${prefix} ("/usr/local" on Unix) is the top
directory of the DJGPP installation.  Every DJGPP-compiled program gets
this top directory in the $DJDIR environment variable (it is computed by
the DJGPP startup code from the $DJGPP environment variable that you set
as part of installation).  Therefore you only need to configure all Unix
programs that you build with --prefix='${DJDIR}', and live happily ever
after.  If there are any other reasons for you to care about /usr, please
tell what they are. 

Another quite common case to care about Unix-like tree structure is the 
"/bin/sh" call hardwired into many Unix scripts and Makefiles.  This is 
also not a problem with DJGPP, because the DJGPP libc looks for an 
excutable called "sh" (including sh.exe, sh.com, sh.bat, even sh.pl) 
along the PATH and in the current working if it isn't found in /bin.  
This is all transparently taken care of for you, in Bash and in Make, and 
also if you use `system' or `spawn' library functions to invoke Unix 
shell scripts which say "#! /bin/sh".  You will need to make sure you 
have sh.exe somewhere on your PATH.  The easiest way to do that is like 
	cd c:\djgpp\bin
	stubify -g sh.exe
	stubedit sh.exe runfile=bash

If you have the DJGPP port of GNU Fileutils, you can do it easier:

	ln -s bash.exe sh.exe

Both these commands create a 2KB-long sh.exe that will actually run 
bash.exe when called (a kind of ``symlink'').  (If you installed DJGPP in 
a directory other than c:/djgpp, change the commands accordingly.)

The only other problem that I'm aware of is with /tmp.  Most programs 
should use $TMPDIR if it is defined (DJGPP.ENV defines it for you), but 
you might consider creating /tmp on every drive you have, for those 
programs that don't.

> Q2:  What bash directory structures do I need to set up to allow
> "configure" et. al. work?  Or, where can I find docs to tell me what
> they need?

You shouldn't need anything special in your directory structure to run 
./configure scripts with Bash.  If you have problems, please post 
specific questions here.  You should read the file README.dos that comes 
with the DJGPP port of Bash, since it describes some DJGPP-specific 
features (like PATH_SEPARATOR and PATH_EXPAND) that are specifically 
designed to make running configure scripts easier.  Typically, you will 
need to set PATH_SEPARATOR=: and PATH_EXPAND=y before running the script.

Examples of how to run these scripts are available in latest port of GNU 
packages (see the *s.zip files in v2gnu directory on the DJGPP sites).  
Most of them run GNU configure scripts with only minor modifications.

> Q3:  What directory structures and environment variables are needed
> for bash itself?

See README.dos in Bash distribution.

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