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Mail Archives: djgpp-announce/2007/04/19/16:19:14

Message-Id: <200704192014.l3JKEGN0015546@delorie.com>
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From: Juan Manuel Guerrero <juan DOT guerrero AT gmx DOT de>
To: djgpp-announce AT delorie DOT com
Subject: ANNOUNCE: DJGPP port of bzip2 1.0.4 uploaded
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2007 22:29:19 +0200
X-Y-GMX-Trusted: 0

This is a port of bzip2 1.0.4 to MSDOS/DJGPP.

  bzip2 is a compressor/decompressor program with generally considerably better
  compression rate than that achieved by more conventional LZ77/LZ78-based
  The command-line options are deliberately very similar to those of GNU gzip,
  but they are not identical.

  DJGPP specific changes.

  - There are no user visible DJGPP specific changes compared with the previous
    version.  If you are familiar with the previous version 1.0.3, you will be
    familiar with this one.

  Here is a verbatim extract of the CHANGES file:

1.0.4 (20 Dec 06)
Fixes some minor bugs since the last version, 1.0.3.

* Fix file permissions race problem (CAN-2005-0953).

* Avoid possible segfault in BZ2_bzclose.  From Coverity's NetBSD

* 'const'/prototype cleanups in the C code.

* Change default install location to /usr/local, and handle multiple
  'make install's without error.

* Sanitise file names more carefully in bzgrep.  Fixes CAN-2005-0758
  to the extent that applies to bzgrep.

* Use 'mktemp' rather than 'tempfile' in bzdiff.

* Tighten up a couple of assertions in blocksort.c following automated

* Fix minor doc/comment bugs.

  For futher information about bzip2 please read the man pages.  The man pages
  are the only ones that contain DJGPP specific information because they are
  the only one that can be remade with existing DJGPP tools.  The author no
  longer uses the texinfo format; he has switched to xml and it is not
  possible to recreate pdf, ps and html formated documentation from the
  distributed xml file.  Neitherless the original pdf, ps and html formated
  documentattion is supplied in the bz2-104d.zip archive.

  The port consists of the usual three packages that have been compiled
  using stock djdev203 and that can be downloaded from ftp.delorie.com
  and mirrors as (timestamp 2007-04-19):

    Bzip2 1.0.4 binary and man formated documentation:

    Bzip2 1.0.4 html, ps and pdf formated documentation:

    Bzip2 1.0.4 source:

  For the convenience of the WinXP users the binaries has been produced
  a second time using the djdev204 beta library. This package is available
  at ftp.delorie.com and mirrors as (timestamp 2007-04-19):

    Bzip2 1.0.4 binary and man formated documentation:

  Send bzip2 specific bug reports to <jseward AT bzip DOT org>.
  Send suggestions and bug reports concerning the DJGPP port to
  comp.os.msdos.djgpp or <djgpp AT delorie DOT com>.


        Guerrero, Juan Manuel <juan DOT guerrero AT gmx DOT de>

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