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Mail Archives: djgpp/2001/03/12/02:16:26

Message-ID: <001301c0aac3$843cdde0$72272a42@james>
From: "James Allan Ventura" <javentura AT digitelone DOT com>
To: <djgpp AT delorie DOT com>
Subject: Problem with __asm and far* keywords
Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2001 23:10:11 -0800
MIME-Version: 1.0
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Reply-To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com


I have a source code written in Microsoft C.  I tried to compile it using the
GCC compiler and I get an error in the __asm and far* keywords.  Is there a way
to modify the code so I can compile it in GCC?  Below is the copy of the source
code.   The errors are line numbers 63 and 129 in the code.


1. // NOPPP.C (Revised) - M. Covington 1997, 1998, 1999
2. // Software for the "No-Parts Pic Programmer"
3. // Inspired by David Tait's TOPIC; compatible therewith.

4. // This is Microsoft C.
5. // Be sure to compile for 8088 (not 286 or 386) for maximum portability.

6. // Command line arguments:
7. //     None.
8. // Environment variable:
9. //     PPLPT=n  where n=1, 2, or 3  specifies which LPT port to use.

10. #define BANNER "NOPPP - \"No-Parts\" PIC Programmer"

11. #include <stdio.h>
12. #include <conio.h>
13. #include <stdlib.h>
14. #include <ctype.h>
15. #include <string.h>
16. #include <sys/farptr.h>
17. typedef unsigned int  word;
18. typedef unsigned char byte, bit;

19. // *********************************************************************
21. // *********************************************************************

22. int LPT = 0,                 // which LPT port we're using (1..3)
23. PORT = 0;                // its port address

24. #define PIC16C84 1
25. #define PIC16F84 2
26. #define PIC16F83 3
27. int     DEVICE = 0;          // which PIC we're programming

28. #define PROGRAM 1
29. #define VERIFY  0            // desired action in main programming loop

30. char    FNAME[255];          // name of file currently loaded

31. char    CHOICE = 0;          // user's most recent menu choice

32. // *********************************************************************
34. // *********************************************************************

35. #define KBUFSIZE 256

36. char buf[KBUFSIZE];          // keyboard input buffer

37. char* cleanctrl(char *s){   // truncates string at first ctrl char,
38. int i=0;                   // cleaning up ^M or ^J left behind by fgets
39. while (s[i] >= ' ') i++;  // if s[i] is greater than or equal to a space ('
40. s[i] = 0;
41. return s;
42. }

43. char* getstring() {                              // read string
44. fgets(buf,KBUFSIZE-1,stdin);
45. cleanctrl(buf);
46. return buf;
47. }

48. int getint()  { return atoi(getstring()); };     // read integer

49. char getchoice(char *s)  {                       // read menu choice
50. // prints prompt, then reads letters, uppercasing,
51. // until a letter that is in s is found
52. printf("\n\nYour choice (%s): ",s);
53. do {
54. CHOICE = _getch();
55. CHOICE = toupper(CHOICE);
56. // toupper evals arg twice, so arg can't be _getch()
57. }
58. while ((CHOICE == ',') || (strchr(s,CHOICE) == NULL));
59. printf("%c\n",CHOICE);
60. return CHOICE;
61. }

62. void clearscreen() {
63. __asm {
64. mov ax,0f00h
65. int 010h
66. mov ah,0
67. int 010h
68. }
69. }

70. void waitkey() {
71. while (_kbhit()) { _getch(); };
72. puts("\nPress space bar to continue...");
73. _getch();
74. while (_kbhit()) { _getch(); };
75. }

76. void errmsg(char *s) {
77. puts(s);
78. waitkey();
79. }

80. // *********************************************************************
81. // TIMING
82. // *********************************************************************

83. #define IODELAY (_inp(0x61))   // allow time for timer to respond

84. void delay(int k)

85. // Delay at least k microseconds, possibly a good bit more.
86. // k must be less than 27304.
87. // Minimum delay on a 25-MHz 386 is about 100 microseconds;
88. // on a 133-MHz Pentium, about 18 microseconds.

89. // Uses system timer 2.
90. // When running in a DOS box under OS/2, set HW_TIMER ON in DOS settings.

91. unsigned int w;
92. unsigned char lo,hi;

93. _outp(0x61, (_inp(0x61) & 0xFD) | 1);  // spkr off, tmr 2 gate on
94. w = (unsigned int)(k*1.2);
95. _outp(0x43, 0xB0);                   // tmr 2 mode 0 2-byte load
97. _outp(0x42, (unsigned char)w);       // low byte
99. _outp(0x42, (unsigned char)(w>>8));  // high byte
101. do {
102. _outp(0x43,0x80);          // latch timer count
104. lo = _inp(0x42);           // discard low byte
106. hi = _inp(0x42);           // get high byte
108. }
109. while ((hi & 0x80) == 0);    // wait for a 1 there, signifying rollover
110. return;
111. }

112. // *********************************************************************
114. // *********************************************************************

115. // Uses two-wire serial data communication through printer port.
116. // Pin  1, STROBE, is serial clock;
117. // Pin 14, AUTOFD, is serial data out to PIC;
118. // Pin 11, BUSY,   is serial data in from PIC;
119. // Pin 17, SLCTIN, is low when writing, high to provide pull-up when
120. // Pin  2, D0,     is lowered to apply Vpp.

121. // SLCTIN and BUSY are tied together for pull-up and for hardware
122. // (In current versions this is done through diodes or gates.)

123. // SLCTIN is an open-collector output with pull-up.
124. // If it is pulled down, some printer ports will latch it down.
125. // Accordingly, it and all the other control bits are asserted
126. // every time they are needed.

127. byte BITS = 0x0F;

128. word portaddr(int n) {                      // base address of port LPTn
129. return(*(word far*)(0x00000408+2*n-2));
130. }

131. // Procedures to set and clear the data lines

132. void datawritable() {                               // SLCTIN, AUTOFD down
133. BITS |=  0x0A; _outp(PORT+2,BITS);
134. }
135. void datareadable() {                               // SLCTIN, AUTOFD up
136. BITS &= ~0x0A; _outp(PORT+2,BITS);
137. }

138. void datadown()     { BITS |=  0x02; _outp(PORT+2, BITS); } // AUTOFD down
139. void dataup()       { BITS &= ~0x02; _outp(PORT+2, BITS); } // AUTOFD up

140. void clockdown()    { BITS |=  0x01; _outp(PORT+2, BITS); } // STROBE down
141. void clockup()      { BITS &= ~0x01; _outp(PORT+2, BITS); } // STROBE up

142. void vppon()

143. BITS &= ~0x04;
144. _outp(PORT+2, BITS);                                // INIT down, D0 down
145. _outp(PORT,   0   );
146. }

147. void vppoff()

148. BITS |= 0x04;
149. _outp(PORT+2, BITS);                                // INIT up,   D0 up
150. _outp(PORT,   1   );
151. }

152. bit  datain()       { return(((~(byte)_inp(PORT+1)) & 0x80) >> 7); }

153. void allpinslow() {
154. vppoff();
155. file://datawritable();
156. file://datadown();
157. file://clockdown();
158. BITS = 0x0F;
159. _outp(PORT+2, BITS);
160. }

161. bit  detecthardware() {           // True if BUSY and SLCTIN are tied
162. datawritable(); // SLCTIN down
163. dataup();       // AUTOFD up
164. delay(10);
165. if (datain() == 1) return(0);
166. datareadable(); // SLCTIN up
167. dataup();       // AUTOFD up
168. delay(10);
169. if (datain() == 0) return(0);
170. return(1);
171. }

172. // *********************************************************************
174. // *********************************************************************

175. void sendbit(bit b) {                  // Sends out 1 bit to PIC
176. if (b) dataup(); else datadown();
177. clockup();
178. delay(1);                            // tset1
179. clockdown();                         // data is clocked into PIC on this
180. delay(1);                            // thld1
181. datadown();                          // idle with data line low
182. }

183. bit recvbit() {                        // Receives a bit from PIC
184. bit b;
185. clockup();
186. delay(1);                            // tdly3
187. clockdown();                         // data is ready just before this
188. b = datain();
189. delay(1);                            // thld1
190. return b;
191. }

192. void sendcmd(byte b) {                 // Sends 6-bit command from bottom
of b
193. int i;
194. datawritable();
195. delay(2);                            // thld0
196. for (i=6; i>0; i--) {
197. sendbit((bit)(b & 1));
198. b = b >> 1;
199. }
200. delay(2);                            // tdly2
201. }

202. void senddata(word w) {                // Sends 14-bit word from bottom of
203. int i;
204. datawritable();
205. delay(2);                            // thld0
206. sendbit(0);                          // one garbage bit
207. for (i=14; i>0; i--) {
208. sendbit((bit)(w & 1));             // 14 data bits
209. w = w >> 1;
210. }
211. sendbit(0);                          // one garbage bit
212. delay(2);                            // tdly2
213. }

214. word recvdata() {                      // Receives 14-bit word, lsb first
215. int i;
216. bit b;
217. word w = 0;
218. datareadable();                      // SLCTIN up for pull-up
219. delay(2);                            // thld0
220. recvbit();                           // one garbage bit
221. for (i=0; i<14; i++) {
222. b = recvbit();
223. w = w | ((word)b << i);            // 14 data bits
224. }
225. recvbit();                           // another garbage bit;
226. delay(2);                            // tdly2
227. return w;
228. }

229. // *********************************************************************
231. // *********************************************************************


233. // The PIC16F84 has four programmable memory areas
234. // (plus data RAM, which is not programmable).
235. // Config memory is only 1 byte, but is treated like the others.

236. #define PBASE      0                   // Base address of each memory
237. #define IBASE      0x2000
238. #define CBASE      0x2007
239. #define DBASE      0x2100

240. #define PSIZEMAX   1024                // Max size of each memory
241. #define ISIZEMAX   4
242. #define CSIZEMAX   1
243. #define DSIZEMAX   64

244. word    PSIZE      = PSIZEMAX;         // Actual size, can be set lower
245. word    ISIZE      = ISIZEMAX;         // for particular CPUs
246. word    CSIZE      = CSIZEMAX;
247. word    DSIZE      = DSIZEMAX;

248. word    PMEM[PSIZEMAX];                // Arrays representing the memories
249. word    IMEM[ISIZEMAX];
250. word    CMEM[CSIZEMAX];
251. word    DMEM[DSIZEMAX];

252. word    PUSED      = 0;                // Number of valid words in array
253. word    CUSED      = 0;
254. word    IUSED      = 0;
255. word    DUSED      = 0;

256. #define PMASK      0x3fff              // Which bits are used in each word
257. word    CMASK      = 0x001f;           //  (CMASK depends on processor)
258. #define IMASK      0x3fff
259. #define DMASK      0x00ff

260. word    DEFAULTCONFIG  =  0x1B;        // Initialization for config word

261. void cleararrays () {                  // Mark the memory arrays as empty
262. PUSED =
263. IUSED =
264. CUSED =
265. DUSED = 0;
266. }

267. bit  stuffarray (word address,         // Stuff data into a memory array.
268. word array[],         // Returns true if successful.
269. word base,
270. word size,
271. word *used,
272. word data[],
273. int  count) {
274. int i;
275. if (address-base+count-1 > size) {
276. printf("Invalid address: %04XH\n",address+count-1);
277. return 0;
278. }
279. for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
280. array[i+address-base] = data[i];
281. if (*used < address-base+count) *used = address-base+count;
282. }
283. return 1;
284. }


286. byte LOADCONFIG        = 0;
287. byte LOADPROGRAM       = 2;
288. byte READPROGRAM       = 4;
289. byte INCREMENTADDRESS  = 6;
290. byte BEGINPROGRAMMING  = 8;
291. byte LOADDATA          = 3;
292. byte READDATA          = 5;
293. byte ERASEPROGRAM      = 9;
294. byte ERASEDATA         = 11;


296. void vppreset() {                      // reset PIC, apply Vpp
297. vppoff();
298. datawritable();
299. datadown();
300. clockdown();
301. delay(25000);
302. vppon();
303. delay(25000);
304. }

305. void progcycle(byte cmd, word arg) {   // send a command and an argument,
306. sendcmd(cmd);                        // then program EPROM accordingly
307. senddata(arg);
309. delay(20000); // PIC errata sheet says 10ms is typical, not guaranteed
310. }

311. bit programall(
312. // Program a memory from appropriate array.
313. // Returns true if successful.
314. int  mode,                // program or verify
315. word mask,                // to throw away irrelevant bits
316. byte writecommand,        // command to write this memory
317. byte readcommand,         // command to read this memory,
318. word array[],             // which memory array we're using
319. word base,                // its base address
320. word used) {              // number of valid words in array
321. word i,w;
322. switch(mode) {
323. case PROGRAM: puts("programming..."); break;
324. case VERIFY:  puts("verifying..."); break;
325. }
326. for (i=0; i<used; i++) {
327. printf("%04X\b\b\b\b",i+base);     // display addr and backspace
328. if (mode==PROGRAM)
329. progcycle(writecommand,(array[i] & mask));
330. sendcmd(readcommand);
331. w = (recvdata() & mask);
332. if (w != (array[i] & mask)) {
333. printf("Failed at %04X: Expecting %04X, found %04X.\n",
334. i+base, (array[i] & mask), w);
335. return 0;
336. }
338. }
339. return 1;
340. }

341. // *********************************************************************
343. // *********************************************************************

344. // This is for Intel INHX8M (8-bit merged) hex files only.
345. // These files use two bytes for each word (low, then high).
346. // All addresses are doubled, i.e., 0x2001 is encoded as 0x4002,
347. // so that addresses increment at the same rate as the byte count.

348. bit validhexline(char *s) {            // Gross syntax and checksum check.
349. byte cksum = 0;                      // For all HEX formats, not just 8M.
350. int bytecount;
351. int i, b;
352. if (s[0] != ':') return(0);          // Initial colon
353. sscanf(s+1,"%2x",&bytecount);
354. if (bytecount > 32) return(0);       // Valid byte count
355. cksum = bytecount;
356. i = 3;
357. bytecount = bytecount+3;
358. while (bytecount>0) {
359. bytecount--;
360. sscanf(s+i,"%2x",&b);
361. cksum = cksum+b;                   // Compute checksum
362. i = i+2;
363. }
364. sscanf(s+i,"%2x",&b);
365. cksum = -cksum;
366. if (cksum == b) return 1;            // Test checksum
367. return 0;
368. }

369. void loadhexfile(FILE *f) {            // Loads a hex file into memory
370. char s[256];
371. word i,lo,hi;
372. word linetype = 0;   // 0 for data, 1 for end of file
373. word wordcount;      // number of 16 bit words on this line
374. word address;        // address where they begin
375. word data[8];        // 16 bytes = 8 words max. per line of hex

376. cleararrays();

377. while((!feof(f)) && (linetype != 1)) {
378. fgets(s,255,f);
379. cleanctrl(s);

380. if (!validhexline(s)) {            // Syntax check
381. s[40] = 0;                       // Truncate invalid line for display
382. if (s[0] != ':') {
383. printf("Invalid line (skipped): '%s'...\n",s);
384. continue;
385. }
386. else {
387. printf("Unable to decode line:  '%s'...\n",s);
388. goto bailout;
389. }
390. }

391. sscanf(s+1,"%2x",&wordcount);      // Parse the line - Intel Hex8M
392. wordcount = wordcount/2;           // (double bytes, addresses doubled)
393. sscanf(s+3,"%4x",&address);
394. address = address/2;
395. sscanf(s+7,"%2x",&linetype);

396. if (linetype==1) goto finished;

397. for (i=0; i<wordcount; i++) {           // Grab the data
398. sscanf(s+(9+4*i),"%2x%2x",&lo,&hi);
399. data[i] = (hi << 8) | lo;
400. }

401. // Place in appropriate array
402. if (address >= DBASE) {
403. if (!stuffarray(address,DMEM,DBASE,DSIZE,&DUSED,data,wordcount))
404. goto bailout;
405. }
406. else if (address >= CBASE) {
407. if (!stuffarray(address,CMEM,CBASE,CSIZE,&CUSED,data,wordcount))
408. goto bailout;
409. }
410. else if (address >= IBASE) {
411. if (!stuffarray(address,IMEM,IBASE,ISIZE,&IUSED,data,wordcount))
412. goto bailout;
413. }
414. else {
415. if (!stuffarray(address,PMEM,PBASE,PSIZE,&PUSED,data,wordcount))
416. goto bailout;
417. }
418. } // while

419. finished:
420. printf("Program memory loaded: %5d word(s)\n",PUSED);
421. printf("Configuration loaded:  %5d word(s)\n",CUSED);
422. printf("ID memory loaded:      %5d word(s)\n",IUSED);
423. printf("Data memory loaded:    %5d byte(s)\n",DUSED);
424. return;

425. bailout:
426. cleararrays();
427. errmsg("Unable to load file.");
428. FNAME[0] = 0;
429. return;
430. }

431. // *********************************************************************
433. // *********************************************************************

434. void banner() {
435. clearscreen();
436. puts("---------------------------------");
437. puts(BANNER);
438. puts("Michael A. Covington");
439. puts("Version of " __DATE__ " " __TIME__);
440. puts("---------------------------------");
441. if (LPT > 0) printf("Using LPT%d on %03XH\n",LPT,PORT);
442. puts("---------------------------------");
443. switch (DEVICE) {
444. case PIC16C84: printf("PIC16C84"); break;
445. case PIC16F84: printf("PIC16F84"); break;
446. case PIC16F83: printf("PIC16F83"); break;
447. default:       printf("        ");
448. }
449. printf("   %s\n",FNAME);
450. puts("---------------------------------\n");
451. }

452. void selectport() {
453. char c;
454. c = (getenv("PPLPT"))[0];

455. if ((c >= '1') && (c <= '3')) {
456. CHOICE = c;
457. }
458. else {
459. banner();
460. printf("Which LPT port? ");
461. getchoice("1,2,3");
462. puts("\nTo avoid having to make this selection");
463. puts("every time, you can add the command\n");
464. printf("   SET PPLPT=%c\n\n",CHOICE);
465. puts("to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file.");
466. errmsg(" ");
467. }
468. LPT = CHOICE - '0';
469. PORT = portaddr(LPT);

470. banner();
471. puts("Apply power to programmer now.\n");
472. puts("If your programmer has adjustable Vcc,");
473. errmsg("set it to 5.0 volts.");

474. if (!detecthardware()) {
475. banner();
476. puts("Caution: Programmer hardware not found!\n\n");
477. puts("With some versions of the circuit and some");
478. puts("parallel ports, this may be normal.\n");
479. puts("If you are sure you have chosen the correct");
480. puts("parallel port, press space bar to proceed.");
481. puts("To cancel program, press Ctrl-C.");
482. errmsg(" ");
483. }
484. }

485. void troubleshoot() {
486. banner();
487. puts("Ensure programmer is powered up now,");
488. puts("with Vcc set to 5.0 V (if adjustable)");
489. puts("and no PIC in the socket.");
490. errmsg(" ");

491. allpinslow();
492. banner();
493. puts("TEST A\n");
494. puts("Connect negative voltmeter lead to pin 5");
495. puts("of PIC socket and check the following voltages:\n");
496. puts("  Socket pin 4       < 0.8 V");
497. puts("  Socket pin 12      < 0.8 V");
498. puts("  Socket pin 13      < 0.8 V");
499. puts("  Socket pin 14      4.75 to 5.25 V");
500. puts("  Junction of");
501. puts("   D1, D2, and R1    < 0.8 V");
502. errmsg(" ");

503. vppon();
504. clockup();
505. dataup();
506. banner();
507. puts("TEST B\n");
508. puts("With negative voltmeter lead still");
509. puts("connected to pin 5 in the PIC socket,");
510. puts("check the following voltages:\n");
511. puts("  Socket pin 4       12.0 - 14.0 V");
512. puts("  Socket pin 12      > 4.0 V");
513. puts("  Socket pin 13      > 4.0 V");
514. puts("  Junction of");
515. puts("   D1, D2, and R1    < 0.8 V");
516. errmsg(" ");

517. vppoff();
518. clockdown();
519. datareadable();  // AUTOFD, SLCTIN high
520. file://banner();
521. file://puts("TEST 3\n");
522. file://puts("With negative voltmeter lead still");
523. file://puts("connected to pin 5 in the PIC socket,");
524. file://puts("verify that pin 13 > 4.0 V.\n");
525. file://puts("Next, insert a 470-ohm resistor into the socket");
526. file://puts("connecting pin 13 to pin 5 and verify that");
527. file://puts("pin 13 drops to < 2.0 V with the resistor in place.\n");
528. file://errmsg("Then remove the resistor.");

529. allpinslow();
530. datawritable();  // SLCTIN down
531. dataup();        // AUTOFD up
532. banner();
533. puts("TEST C\n");
534. puts("With negative voltmeter lead still");
535. puts("connected to pin 5 in the PIC socket,");
536. puts("verify that the junction of D1, D2, and R1");
537. puts("is < 0.8 V.");
538. errmsg(" ");

539. allpinslow();
540. datareadable();  // SLCTIN up
541. dataup();        // AUTOFD up
542. banner();
543. puts("TEST D\n");
544. puts("With negative voltmeter lead still");
545. puts("connected to pin 5 in the PIC socket,");
546. puts("verify that the junction of D1, D2, and R1");
547. puts("is now > 4 V.\n");
548. errmsg(" ");

549. banner();
550. puts("This completes the voltage test sequence.\n");
551. puts("You should also check the cable from PC to programmer.");
552. puts("It should be relatively short (under 2 feet) and have");
553. puts("all necessary pins connected (serial cables don't).");
554. errmsg(" ");

555. allpinslow();
556. exit(0);
557. }

558. void load() {
559. FILE *f;
560. banner();
561. printf("File to load: ");
562. strcpy(FNAME,getstring());
563. f = fopen(FNAME,"rt");
564. if (f == NULL) {
565. errmsg("Unable to open file.");
566. FNAME[0] = 0;
567. return;
568. }
569. loadhexfile(f);
570. fclose(f);
571. errmsg("Loading complete.");

572. if (CUSED == 0) {
573. banner();
574. puts("Caution: HEX file did not contain a configuration word.\n");
575. puts("The following settings will be used:\n");
576. puts("  RC oscillator");
577. puts("  Watchdog timer disabled");
578. puts("  Power-up timer enabled");
579. puts("  Code not read-protected\n");
580. errmsg("You can specify other settings in the assembler.");
581. }
582. else if (CMEM[0] != (CMEM[0] & CMASK)) {
583. banner();
584. puts("Caution: Configuration word appears to contain invalid bits.\n");
585. puts("Your program may have been assembled for a different");
586. puts("type of PIC.  Check device selection carefully.");
587. errmsg("");
588. }

589. }

590. void selectdevice() {
591. banner();
592. puts("Devices supported:\n");
593. puts("  C   PIC16C84");
594. puts("  F   PIC16F84");
595. puts("  3   PIC16F83\n\n");
596. puts("  T   Test the programmer circuit\n");
597. getchoice("C,F,3,T");
598. switch(CHOICE) {
599. case 'C':
600. DEVICE = PIC16C84;
601. PSIZE  = 1024;
602. CMASK  = 0x001F;
603. DEFAULTCONFIG = 0x001B;
604. break;
605. case 'F':
606. DEVICE = PIC16F84;
607. PSIZE  = 1024;
608. CMASK  = 0x3FFF;
610. break;
611. case '3':
612. DEVICE = PIC16F83;
613. PSIZE  = 512;
614. CMASK  = 0x3FFF;
616. break;
617. case 'T':
618. troubleshoot();
619. }
620. }

621. void erase() {
622. int i;
623. vppreset();
624. printf("Commanding PIC to erase ID, configuration, ");
625. sendcmd(LOADCONFIG);
626. senddata(0x3FFF);
627. for (i=7; i>0; i--) sendcmd(INCREMENTADDRESS);
628. sendcmd(1);
629. sendcmd(7);
631. delay(20000);
632. sendcmd(1);
633. sendcmd(7);
634. printf("program, ");
635. progcycle(ERASEPROGRAM,0x3FFF);    // is the data word necessary?
636. printf("data...");
637. progcycle(ERASEDATA,0x3FFF);       // is the data word necessary?
638. allpinslow();
639. puts(" Done.");
640. waitkey();
641. }

642. void program(int mode) {
643. word i;
644. banner();
645. if (PUSED+IUSED+CUSED+DUSED == 0) {
646. printf("Load a file first.\n");
647. goto finish;
648. }

649. vppreset();

650. printf("Program memory: ");
652. goto finish;

653. sendcmd(LOADCONFIG);      // from here on we're in config/ID memory
654. senddata(DEFAULTCONFIG);  // loadconfig requires an arg, here it is

655. printf("ID memory: ");
657. goto finish;

658. for (i=0; i < CBASE-IBASE-IUSED; i++)
659. sendcmd(INCREMENTADDRESS);      // get to config memory

660. printf("Configuration memory: ");
662. goto finish;

663. vppreset();   // Reset address counter in PIC to 0

664. printf("Data memory: ");
666. goto finish;

667. puts("Programming complete.\n\n");
668. puts("For production-grade work, you should now verify");
669. puts("the PIC at the maximum and minimum values of Vcc.");

670. finish:
671. allpinslow();
672. waitkey();
673. }

674. void queryexit() {
675. banner();
676. allpinslow();
677. puts("Are you sure you want to exit?");
678. getchoice("Y,N");
679. if (CHOICE == 'Y')

680. banner();
681. errmsg("You may remove the PIC from the socket now.");
682. exit(0);
683. }
684. }

685. void menu() {
686. allpinslow(); // Clean up after aberrant routines if any
687. banner();
688. puts("  L  Load HEX file");
689. puts("  S  Select type of PIC");
690. puts("  E  Erase PIC");
691. puts("  P  Program PIC");
692. puts("  V  Verify PIC\n");
693. puts("  X  Exit program");
694. getchoice("L,S,E,P,V,X");
695. switch(CHOICE) {
696. case 'L': load(); break;
697. case 'S': selectdevice(); break;
698. case 'E': erase(); break;
699. case 'P': program(PROGRAM); break;
700. case 'V': program(VERIFY); break;
701. case 'X': queryexit();
702. }
703. }

704. main() {

705. FNAME[0] = 0;   // no file is presently loaded

706. selectport();

707. allpinslow();
708. selectdevice();  // mandatory
709. banner();
710. puts("You may insert the PIC in the socket now.");
711. errmsg("Be very careful not to insert it backward.");

712. while(1) menu();

713. return 0;
714. }

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