From: fox AT pt0204 DOT pto DOT ford DOT com (Ken Fox) Subject: problems sending data out LPT2: To: djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1993 19:41:26 -0400 (EDT) I'm just posting this as a quick question: Can GO32 handle printing to LPT2: if LPT2: is in fact a network device? I don't know much about the PC environment here and before I start poking around in depth I want to know if GO32 has this functionality at all. LPT2: opens just fine with fopen("LPT2:", "w") but then all output to it disappears... If I spool a copy to disk, exit the program and copy (i.e. with DOS copy) the file to LPT2: it prints fine. Thanks in advance. -- Ken Fox (fox AT pt0204 DOT pto DOT ford DOT com) | My opinions or statements do not | represent those of, nor are endorsed by, | Ford Motor Company. CAD/CAM Technology Section | CAD/CAM/CAE Process Integration | "Is this some sort of trick question Ford Motor Company | or what?" -- Calvin