Reply-To: Lorin DOT Lund AT LDDSNet DOT Com Date: Tue, 06 Jun 95 16:34:20 CST From: lorin lund To: djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu Subject: Re: VOTE: CODE STANDARDS This thread is long and iteresting in the feelings it stirs. Regarding comments in code: My experience leads to similar conclusions as mentioned by Bjarne Stroustrup in "The C++ Programming Language" section 3.4 "Most programs contain comments that are incomprehensible, ambiguous, and just plain wrong. Bad comments can be worse than no comments" My experience is that those of my colleagues that write good comments write such organized code that the comments are hardly necessary. Those who write code that functions correctly but is harder to read, usually have their minds so much into the program that anything they write wouldn't make much sense to the un-initiated anyway. Regarding making demands of a programmer that I am not paying money to: I think people who voluntarily share the fruits of their great effort should be treated with a great deal of respect and grattitude. The farthest thing I can think of from this is to make demands upon them. If DJ is somehow gaining any income from this endeavor: more power to him. (But I don't think anybody is getting rich at all in the FSF copyleft world) Most importantly, for those of us who benefit without paying anything, making demands on our benefactors is the height of ingrattitude. Even the work of other volunteers adds to the work of the person who has to co-ordinate it. (I am not speaking here against volunteerism just aknowledging that there is not rest for heroes.)