From: "A.Appleyard" To: DJGPP AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu Date: Tue, 19 Dec 1995 13:23:12 GMT Subject: An oddity re array args Re this short program with an error (name omitted after `double'):- int zxcvbnm(int i, int j, double[i][j]){int k; k=2; return 42;} When I compiled it (with djgpp) as C++, the compiler swore at me thus:- t$$.cc:1: `i' was not declared in this scope t$$.cc:1: `j' was not declared in this scope Segmentation violation in pointer 0x00000008 at d8:5cebc EXCEPTION OCCURRED! Information dumped to core file: "t$gccdbg" but compiled as C the compiler said nothing.