Format of MS-DOS/PC-DOS/OS2/WinNT/PTS-DOS COUNTRY.SYS country-subfunc data::
Offset	Size	Description	)
 00h	BYTE	ID-tag (FFh)
 01h  7 BYTEs	table-type signature (blank-padded)
		"CTYINFO"	general country info (subfn 01h)
		"UCASE	"	uppercase table (subfn 02h)
		"LCASE	"	lowercase table (subfn 03h) (DOS 6.2_)
		"FUCASE "	filename uppercase table (subfn 04h)
		"FCHAR	"	filename terminator table (subfn 05h)
		"COLLATE"	collating sequence (subfn 06h)
		"DBCS	"	double-byte character table (subfn 07h)
 08h	WORD	length of following table in bytes
		(if 0000h for DBCS table, there will still be a word of 0000h)
---country info (01h)---
 0Ah	WORD	country ID (see #01400 at AH=38h)
 0Ch	WORD	code page (see #01757)
 0Eh 34 BYTEs	country-dependent info (see #01399 at AH=38h)
---uppercase table (02h)---
 0Ah 128 BYTEs	uppercase equivalents (if any) of chars 80h to FFh
---lowercase table (03h)---
 0Ah 256 BYTEs	lowercase equivalents (if any) of chars 00h to FFh
---filename uppercase table (04h)---
 0Ah 128 BYTEs	uppercase equivalents (if any) of chars 80h to FFh
---filename terminator table (05h)---
 0Ah	BYTE	??? (01h for MS-DOS 3.30-6.00)
 0Bh	BYTE	lowest permissible character value for filename
 0Ch	BYTE	highest permissible character value for filename
 0Dh	BYTE	??? (00h for MS-DOS 3.30-6.00)
 0Eh	BYTE	first excluded character in range \ all characters in this
 0Fh	BYTE	last excluded character in range  / range are illegal
 10h	BYTE	??? (02h for MS-DOS 3.30-6.00)
 11h	BYTE	number of illegal (terminator) characters
 12h  N BYTEs	characters which terminate a filename:	."/\[]:|<>+=;,
---collating sequence (06h)---
 0Ah 256 BYTEs	values used to sort characters 00h to FFh
---DBCS table (07h)---
 0Ah 2N BYTEs	start/end for N lead byte ranges
	WORD	0000h	(end of table)
SeeAlso: #02621,#01750,#01751,#01753,#01754,#01755,#01756