Mail Archives: djgpp-workers/2002/10/11/08:17:32
Richard Dawe wrote:
> Andrew Cottrell wrote:
> [snip]
> > What do people think I should put on clio with regards to the file
> > utilities built with the CVS LIBC? Some example I can think of are:-
> > a) Put File Utils 4.0 up there
> > b) Put File Utils 4.1 with rm.exe from File Utils 4.0
> > c) Put File Utils 4.1 with rm.exe from Core Utils
> > d) None - get people to use the File Utils 4.1 from simtel -
> > this is what happens with the latest update
> [snip]
> I like option c). From my point of view both fileutils 4.0 and 4.1
> built against CVS have had about the same amount of testing. So
> there's not much to choose between 4.0 and 4.1. Since I'm no longer
> supporting 4.0, I'd prefer [as much as possible of] 4.1 to be
> available.
I suspect I am coming in here late with some vital data missing,
but it seems to me that if an earlier version works and a later
doesn't it should be possible to pinpoint the difference, and
correct the source accordingly. The above sounds as if you will
end up with a package that cannot be recreated from the source.
That will lead to future confusion.
Chuck F (cbfalconer AT yahoo DOT com) (cbfalconer AT worldnet DOT att DOT net)
Available for consulting/temporary embedded and systems.
<> USE worldnet address!
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