Mail Archives: djgpp/1994/11/01/10:37:16
> >
> > Commented this out and demacs came up fine! Now... what have I lost
> > by doing this?
> Why would anybody working with DOS 6.x put ``NOEMS'' on the EMM386
> line? I would say it's a left-over from DOS 5.0, where Expanded
> and Extended memories (sic) were managed with two distinct pools,
> and so whoever wanted max XMS had to be deprived of EMS. In DOS
> 6 this is no more the case, AFAIK. Do I miss something here?
Well, you'll miss 64K (EMS-Frame) + 5K (EMS-Driver) of memory.
Use NOFRAME instead of NOEMS and most extender (incl. emx) will be
Hartmut Schirmer ___ _____
Technische Fakult"at, Univertit"at Kiel /\ | \ |
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Lehrstuhl f"ur Automatisierungs- und Regelungstechnik
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