Mail Archives: djgpp/1994/11/06/09:10:53
From: "Marty Leisner" <leisner AT sdsp DOT mc DOT xerox DOT com>
In message <9411042210 DOT AA23327 AT delorie>you write:
>I've got a port of the fileutils (and many other gnu packages) in the
>GNU cd-rom; I'll send them my patches and then they'll be official,
>and then (hopefully) anyone will be able to build them.
Well, Jim Meyering is releasing new fileutils/shellutils this weekend...
I'm not sure why you need to change any source...I was able to compile
useful utitities (i.e. not things like mknod, ln) by:
1) changing the makefiles
2) adding open.S to the lib, and changing the default open to binary
Those look like patches to me :-) I hope we're not going to open the
"text vs. binary" thread again, though.
I also know backups on 8+3 file names is a problem, I have to look at
So you do agree on the need for patches. :-* Seriously, anytime a
package can be compiled out of the box is a big win for anyone
operating on a limited system (eg, the IBM ThinkPad I'm writing this
on crashes every 3-20 compiles while compiling Ghostscript---this is
an IBM hardware/firmware bug, not GS's fault, but the principle's the
same): if it did that, I could let it run overnight or while I was at
my favorite pub.
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