Mail Archives: djgpp/1994/11/08/06:40:04
dolan AT fnoc DOT navy DOT mil (Kent Dolan) wrote on Tue 8 Nov 94 02:09:05 GMT (Subject:
Re: GnuC memory allocation and swapping do disk.):-
> That's beating up on the English language pretty hard. Malloc() uses
memory in the sense that if you malloc() until you have malloc()ed more than
the allowable total of physical + virtual, you should get back a failure in
any reasonable memory management system implementation. ...
Best write "... hard. malloc() uses ...", as `malloc' is one C name and
`Malloc' is a different C name, i.e. if a (C name whose first letter is
lowercase) is at the start of an English sentence, to avoid confusion its
first letter should stay lowercase despite spelling conventions.
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