Mail Archives: djgpp/1994/11/08/22:03:25
Hi Martin
Thanks for making the effort.
> The assembly language part had a couple of problems. There was no
> declaration for PSP and the assembler wanted some kind of override on
> the instruction mov es,[es:2ch]. I fixed these.
I'm sorry about the assembly errors. Something must have gone wrong
when I merge the letter and the code.
I can't tell why the "mov es,[es:2ch]" instruction needs an override
(it works fine at my place). The assembler should have all the
information it needs, but to spell it out for the assembler you can
write "mov es,[WORD PTR es:2ch]".
On the other hand please try out the new version that I have posted on
the DJGPP mailing list. Nothing new has happened to the huge read
facility, but the new version is a non TSR version, as requested by DJ
> I don't have c++ set up on my machine so I converted your program to
> plain old C. I get some very strange results for the time taken and
> transfer rate though :
Your printf formatting is wrong. You are trying to print signed decimal
where it really should be double. The lines could be written like this
printf( "Time elapsed: %g\n", TimeElapsed);
printf( "KBytes pr. second: %g\n", BytesRead/1024/TimeElapsed);
I have replaced the "%d" with "%g", wich prints in fixed point og
scientific notation wichever is shorter.
C++ commercial:
The piping operators << and >> knows how to format all the standard
types, and when you introduce new types (classes) you just overwrite
the << and >> operators for each new class where it makes sence with
text output. This way you need never worry about what formatting to
specify og what function to call. The type itself specifies where the
text output code resides.
Other errors:
Right at the beginning of the function TestHugeRead(), where it says:
if( data )
This line should be
if( data!= -1 ) /* open() returns -1 on error */
My mistake, sorry.
Kim Jersin
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