Mail Archives: djgpp/1994/11/20/20:35:58
> printf( "1) i=%8.8XH, x=%8.8XH, y=%8.8XH, z=%8.8XH\n" , i , x , y , z );
> /* 2) does it behave differently if we only put one variable at a time on
> the stack? */
> printf( "2) i=%8.8XH, " , i );
> printf( "x=%8.8XH, " , x );
> printf( "y=%8.8XH, " , y );
> printf( "z=%8.8XH\n" , z );
It will work better, but only by chance and only on some little-endian
machines. What you're doing is inherently nonportable.
> /* 3) DJ says the floats stack as doubles; do they come off the stack that
> way? */
Yes. Printf (well, doprnt() in doprnt.c) pulls them off the stack as
doubles, because it knows about this ANSI rule.
> /* the "g" type claims to print everything, but really doesn't.
> however, C type coercion does what C casts sometimes do, so this
> gets out the readable values in another funny way. */
The "g" type prints anything that promotes to double when passed as a
parameter to a "..." spec.
> Well, the behavior is worse than merely stacking an extra four bytes
> per float, apparently a double also uses a different exponent
> structure, because the original double bit pattern is nowhere to be
> seen in the printed floats.
Yes. Double format uses more bits for exponent AND mantissa.
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