Mail Archives: djgpp/1994/11/23/20:52:56
In trying to run make, I discovered that there's not really enough
conventional memory to spawn what I needed to do. OK, I can fix this
by deleting resideht stuff; that's not the problem.
The problem is that when make aborts on ****not enough memory to run
go32**** it does _not_ give back the XMS memory it had. Before
running the (aborted) make I have about 6mb, afterwards I have 0.
I have already run and confirmed stubedit with keepmem=0.
Mike Feldman
Michael B. Feldman - chair, SIGAda Education Working Group
Professor, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
The George Washington University - Washington, DC 20052 USA
202-994-5919 (voice) - 202-994-0227 (fax) - mfeldman AT seas DOT gwu DOT edu (Internet)
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