Mail Archives: djgpp/1994/11/24/04:44:57
hi all.
i'm only really new to djgpp - and i have come accross a slight problem.
i have tried to write a *simple* keyboard handler that i could possibly
use in a game of some sort using djgpp ( on an IBM ).
i have enclosed a copy of :
> makefile
> demo.c
> initkey.c
> quitkey.c
> keyboard.h
> keys.def
i can't seem to find my error and i was wondering if any of you guys can
help me out here.
first of all, the program simple redefines interrupt #9 ( keyboard ), and
attempts to process any input from the user and places a boolean value in
an array that describes the key.
ie: if 1 was read from the keyboard port ( which happens to be escape ),
the escape field of the array will be set to TRUE - until the code
for the release of this key comes throught ( which is 129 ).
i alter this array *inside* the interrupt handler - and try to access it
from my main program. in otherwords, i do the following ( just to see if
the stupid thing works ):
initkey(); /* install the *new* kbd driver */
while( !keys[ESC] );
/* wait until the ESC key is pressed */
quitkey(); /* installs the *old* kbd driver */
the way the keys are defined are *no* problem ( ie the way the array is
set up ). the problem is that the while( !keys[ESC] ) instruction loops
for a random amount of times and then quits *regardless* of the value
stored in the array at offset ESC.
what i mean by this is that if i enter in ten or so characters that are
not escapes, and then press another non escape character - the program
exits - and keys[ESC] is still assigned FALSE!!! ??? what is going on ?
i hope some of you guys can help us out here - it is really starting to
drive me crazy - and i don't know why.
i don't really want comments on why it wont work - i would like to know
if some of you guys can actually get the damn thing working.... 'cause
normally a lot of people comment - but are wrong.
thanks to all those that will try and help me out - ps: i lose access to
the internet *very* soon -> like in about two days - so i would appreciate
really *quick* replies - thanks to all.
i will be back in 'march 95.
here are the files :
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# KEYBOARD v1.0 -> djgpp makefile to create the library 'libkey.a' and
# the accompanying demo.
# NB: make [enter] <-- make the library, and copy to c:\djgpp\lib
# make demo [enter] <-- create the demo executable.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# this part tells the gcc compiler how to make a '.c' file a '.o' file
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
gcc -c $<
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# the listing of all the '.o' files and the name of the library
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
OBJ = initkey.o quitkey.o
LIB = libkey.a
BIN = c:/djgpp/bin/
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# create an archive of all the '.o' files -> library 'libkey.a', which
# can be accessed using the -lkey option ( before $(OBJ) ).
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
main : $(OBJ)
ar r $(LIB) $(OBJ)
ranlib $(LIB)
copy $(LIB) c:\djgpp\lib
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# create the demo executable.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
demo :
gcc demo.c -lkey
ren a.out demo
coff2exe -s $(BIN)go32.exe demo
del demo
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# the commands to 'clean' the directory ( of all the '.o' files )
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
clean :
del *.o
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
#define ESC 1 /* escape key */
#define LCTRL 29 /* left control key */
#define LSHIFT 42 /* left shift key */
#define RSHIFT 54 /* right shift key */
#define LALT 56 /* left alt key */
#define SPACE 57 /* space bar */
#define F1 59
#define F2 60
#define F3 61
#define F4 62
#define F5 63
#define F6 64
#define F7 65
#define F8 66
#define F9 67
#define F10 68
#define KUP 72 /* UP (keypad) */
#define KLEFT 75 /* LEFT (keypad) */
#define KRIGHT 77 /* RIGHT (keypad) */
#define KDOWN 80 /* DOWN (keypad) */
#define F11 87
#define F12 88
#define RCTRL 90 /* right control key */
#define RALT 117 /* right alt key */
#define UP 133 /* UP key */
#define LEFT 136 /* LEFT key */
#define RIGHT 138 /* RIGHT key */
#define DOWN 141 /* DOWN key */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <pc.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <dpmi.h>
#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE !(FALSE)
interrupt vectors for keyboard handlers ( old and new )
_go32_dpmi_seginfo oldkey, newkey;
NB: keys -> 0..88 ( standard keys )
89..172 ( extended keys -> value = 61 + <key> )
#include "keys.def" /* the codes for the keys */
int keys[173];
int keycount;
extern void initkey();
extern void quitkey();
#include "keyboard.h"
void newkeyhandler()
this is the *new* keyboard handler. all key strokes will be
intercepted here.
static int specialkey;
static unsigned char key;
asm( " cli " );
asm( " movw $0x0060,%dx
inb %dx,%al " );
asm( " movb %%al,%0 " : "=g" (key) : /* no input */ );
if (( key == 224 ) || ( key == 225 ))
specialkey = TRUE;
if (( keycount == 0 ) && ( key != 224 ) && ( key != 225 ))
if ( key & 0x80 != 0x80 )
keys[ key ] = TRUE;
keys[ key ] = FALSE;
keycount = -1;
if (( keycount == 1 ) && ( specialkey ))
if ( key & 0x80 != 0x80 )
keys[ 61+key ] = TRUE;
keys[ 61+key ] = FALSE;
specialkey = FALSE;
keycount = -1;
if ( keycount == 2 )
keycount = -1;
asm( " movw $0x0020,%dx
movb $0x20,%al
outb %al,%dx " );
asm( " sti " );
/* the following fprintf is for *debugging* only */
fprintf( stdout,
"key = %d, keys[ESC] = %d, specialkey = %d, keycount = %d\n",
key, keys[ESC], specialkey, keycount );
void initkey()
int i;
for( i=0; i < 173; i++ )
keys[i] = FALSE;
keycount = 0;
_go32_dpmi_get_protected_mode_interrupt_vector( 9, &oldkey );
newkey.pm_offset = (int)newkeyhandler;
newkey.pm_selector = _go32_my_cs();
_go32_dpmi_set_protected_mode_interrupt_vector( 9, &newkey );
#include "keyboard.h"
void quitkey()
_go32_dpmi_set_protected_mode_interrupt_vector( 9, &oldkey );
#include "keyboard.h"
void main()
int i;
fprintf( stdout, "press [ESC] to stop demo..\n" );
while( !keys[ ESC ] );
i hope that is all the files that i need for the program to compile.
oh yeah - i forgot to mention - i am using djgpp v1.12 maint2.
hear from most of you soon ...
regards, aaron ardiri ( bardiri AT isis DOT curtin DOT edu DOT au ) -
( ardiriaj AT cs DOT curtin DOT edu DOT au ) -
( eardiri AT cc DOT curtin DOT edu DOT au )
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