Mail Archives: djgpp/1994/11/27/17:58:46
>>>>> "Kimberley" == Kimberley Burchett <OKRA AT max DOT tiac DOT net> writes:
Kimberley> This program:
Kimberley> int main() {
Kimberley> long x = -1441992; unsigned y = 4;
Kimberley> printf("%d / %d = %d\n",x,y,x/y); }
Kimberley> Spits this out:
Kimberley> -1441992 / 4 = 1073381326
Kimberley> The division is done at compile time if I compile with
Kimberley> optimizations on. A more complex program where the division
Kimberley> can't be done at compile time gets the same result doing the
Kimberley> division at run time. Can anyone tell me why? As far as I
Kimberley> know, even in the strange world of CPU math, overflows can't
Kimberley> account for this result. The only thing I can think of is that
Kimberley> the compiler is using DIV instead of IDIV (however, in this
Kimberley> case, dividing by 4, it shouldn't use any DIV). The funny math
Kimberley> only shows up when x is negative (never tried y negative...).
Kimberley> It doesn't matter whether I'm using the C or the C++ compiler.
Your problem is that the negative long is being "promoted" to an unsigned
long because you called the divisor unsigned. When you promote a negative
long to unsigned, you get a number between 2^31 and 2^32. If you change
"unsigned" to "int" it works correctly.
David Goldschmidt
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