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Mail Archives: djgpp/1999/01/02

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01:17:49 djgpp and windows2000 (dinggoum@163.net)
02:12:29 Re: -KWII- Learning to use Allegro??? (Uhfgood)
02:32:19 Re: time and milliseconds (Alex Lowe)
02:52:04 time and milliseconds (leonj@geocities.com)
03:17:14 Re: Animations (Twidler444)
03:37:14 Animations (Pekka Rajajärvi)
03:56:51 Re: Allegro, pointers : how do I get line from BITMAP? (Mikko V.I. Parviainen)
04:42:21 small graphics library (Alex Lowe)
05:39:29 Re: djgpp and windows2000 (Allens)
05:43:09 LIMITS header file question. (3|3c7r0n)
06:27:07 using DLLs (Mitja Semolic)
06:46:58 linking DLLs with DJGPP (Mitja Semolic)
07:07:07 Re: djgpp and windows2000 (Patrick Johnson)
07:14:49 Re: djgpp and windows2000 (Blaine Hodge)
07:24:24 Re: small graphics library (Johan Henriksson)
08:19:07 linking crash message under low memory (emu387.dxe?) (Leonid Pauzner)
08:24:19 Re: djgpp and windows2000 (Johan Henriksson)
08:27:02 Re: Extended Stupid Question(with source) (Johan Henriksson)
08:59:32 RE: stupid stupid stupid question.. (Arthur)
08:59:32 RE: Extended Stupid Question(with source) (Arthur)
09:07:03 Re: stupid stupid stupid question.. (Programmer)
09:38:17 Re: djgpp and windows2000 (Jeffery G)
10:07:35 Re: small graphics library (George Foot)
10:43:02 Re: time and milliseconds (bowman)
10:47:00 Re: Printing graphics from djgpp? do any libraries exist? Help much appreciated. (A. Jans-Beken)
10:47:01 Allegro: Lighting tables - how to? (A. Jans-Beken)
10:51:51 program crash (Roger Lindström)
10:54:12 Re: using DLLs (bowman)
12:07:10 Wanting to get started (Nathan Neal)
12:57:19 cwsdpmi solved some of my problems.... (BlackArtGP@aol.com)
13:52:16 Re: djgpp and windows2000 (Johan Henriksson)
13:56:59 New for '99 : Alpha Blending (Michael Tanczos)
15:17:15 __ctr0_glob_function() doesn't get called in C++ (Thiago F.G. Albuquerque)
15:41:01 So (BlackArtGP@aol.com)
15:48:44 using tvision with djgpp (Jorge Ivan Meza Martinez)
15:51:48 The Endless Pursuit of Elegance (Mike Moore)
15:59:49 Re: small graphics library (Alex Lowe)
16:28:01 Re: Problem with RHIDE ! abd DJGPP (Robert Hoehne)
16:28:01 Re: ANNOUNCE: bzip2 port to DJGPP (Robert Hoehne)
17:38:40 Game speed timer a little jerky (lawrencej@ufrsd.k12.nj.us)
18:03:11 Re: Help needed with sizeof command. (David Christensen)
18:13:16 Re: Help needed with sizeof command. (Erik Max Francis)
18:13:17 Help needed with sizeof command. (David Arnold)
18:32:51 Re: The Endless Pursuit of Elegance (bowman)
20:23:38 Re: __ctr0_glob_function() doesn't get called in C++ (Martin Str|mberg)
21:23:14 NEED:Graphic Artist-Possible Animator! PLEASE READ (Chuck U. Farley)
21:51:34 Re: LIMITS header file question. (Luis Hernandez)
22:08:19 basic dos color text (vern)
22:18:08 DJGPP and winNT? (was Re: djgpp and windows2000) (graham_fyffe@hotmail.com)
23:01:30 Re: parsing text to code (Daniel Reed)

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