Mail Archives: djgpp/2006/07/31/22:28:10
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you are doing right, just not showing all records.
attached your own code, slightly retouched.
ram DOT ragu AT gmail DOT com wrote:
> hi
> i can read the records. here the code is..
> /*finding the difference btween times*/
> #include <stdio.h>
> #include<ctype.h>
> #include<time.h>
> main()
> {
> char buf[1000];
> char dummy[50],dates[11],times[9];
> int day,month,year,hour,minute,second,jobid;
> FILE *ptr;
> clrscr();;
> ptr = fopen("read.txt","r");
> while (feof(ptr) == 0)
> {
> fgets(buf, 1000, ptr); /* Read next record */
> if(isdigit(buf[0]))
> {
> sscanf(buf,"%d %s %s %s %s %s
> %s",&jobid,dummy,dummy,dummy,dummy,dates,times);
> printf("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n %d %s %s",jobid,dates,times);
> sscanf(dates,"%d/%d/%d",&month,&day,&year);
> printf("\n\n\n%d %d %d",month,day,year);
> sscanf(times,"%d:%d:%d",&hour,&minute,&second);
> printf("\n\n\n %d:%d:%d",hour,minute,second);
> }
> /* printf("%s",buf); O/P the record to the screen */
> }
> }
> in this code how can i go to the next records? here i can get only
> one record.. then here i want to do time difference between two
> records..
> alex bodnaru wrote:
>>hi ram,
>>i would open the logfile in text read mode, and fgets each line in a
>>buffer long enough.
>>of the lines read, select the ones that contain your data, as i
>>understand, those that begin with a number:
>>if (isdigit(buf[0])) { ... }
>>then scan the line data with sscanf:
>>int jobid;
>>char dummy[50], dates[11], times[9];
>>sscanf(buf, "%d %s %s %s %s %s %s", &jobid, dummy, dummy, dummy, dummy,
>>dates, times);
>>please note, thay you may need to set the proper spacing between the
>>fields in the format string.
>>now, sscanf again, to get the time integer values:
>>int day, month, year, hour, minute, second;
>>sscanf(dates, "%d/%d/%d", &month, &day, &year);
>>sscanf(times, "%d:%d:%d", &hour, &minute, &second);
>>now get the system time and do your calculations.
>>good luck,
>>ram DOT ragu AT gmail DOT com wrote:
>>> i have problem which is simple but im struggling to solve it..below i
>>>gave one sample of log file which is in text file format.the problem is
>>>i have to get time in this logfile and deduct the time from system file
>>>finally i have to bring the answer to standard output.. i got idea of
>>>reading line from logfile and copy to stdout. but the problem is i
>>>can't do manipulation(getting time difference) in textfile..some body
>>>please help me out..
>>>jobid time
>>>181 0 ._11CH_CAS render qw 07/23/2005 00:08:44
>>> 112,113
>>> Full jobname:
>>>182 0 ._11CH_CAS render qw 07/23/2005 00:17:43
>>> 125-131:1
>>> Full jobname:
>>>183 0 ._11CH_CAS render qw 07/23/2005 00:27:05
>>> 125
>>> Full jobname:
>>>184 0 ._11CH_CAS render qw 07/23/2005 01:33:07
>>> 70-133:1
>>> Fulljobname:
>>>185 0 ._11CH_CAS render qw 07/23/2005 01:36:57
>>> 70-133:1
>>> Full jobname:
>>>the output in stdout should be like this:
>>>jobid timedifference(this is diff between logfiletime and
>>>181 1000 minutes
Content-type: text/x-csrc; name=testdate.c
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Content-disposition: inline; filename=testdate.c
/*finding the difference btween times*/
#include <stdio.h>
char buf[1000];
char dummy[50],dates[11],times[9];
int day,month,year,hour,minute,second,jobid;
FILE *ptr;
ptr = fopen("logfile.txt","r");
while (feof(ptr) == 0)
fgets(buf, 1000, ptr); /* Read next record*/
sscanf(buf,"%d %s %s %s %s %s %s",
printf("%d %s %s\n",jobid,dates,times);
printf("\t%d %d %d\n",month,day,year);
/* printf("%s",buf); O/P the record to the screen*/
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