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Mail Archives: djgpp/2009/05/05/13:46:51

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From: Rugxulo <rugxulo AT gmail DOT com>
Newsgroups: comp.os.msdos.djgpp
Subject: query con codepage
Date: Tue, 5 May 2009 10:31:33 -0700 (PDT)
Organization: http://groups.google.com
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To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
DJ-Gateway: from newsgroup comp.os.msdos.djgpp
Reply-To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com

Just in case anyone finds this useful, I'm posting it here. It
basically tells you what codepage is currently prepared / selected /
displayed for the CON device.

#include <dpmi.h>
#include <go32.h>
#include <stdio.h>

// Tuesday, May 5, 2009   12:25pm
// rugxulo _AT_ gmail _DOT_ com
// This file is (obviously?) not copyrighted, "nenies propra=83o" !!
// Tested successfully on DR-DOS 7.03, FreeDOS 1.0++, and MS-DOS 6.22.
// (Doesn't work on XP or Vista, though.)
// short query_con_codepage();
// gets currently selected display CON codepage
// int 21h, 6601h ("chcp") needs NLSFUNC.EXE + COUNTRY.SYS, but many
//    obscure codepages (e.g. FD's cp853 from EGA.CPX (CPIX.ZIP) or
//    Kosta Kostis' cp913 from ISOLATIN.CPI (ISOCP101.ZIP) have no
//    relevant data inside COUNTRY.SYS.
// int 21h, 440Ch 6Ah only works in MS-DOS and DR-DOS (not FreeDOS)
//    FreeDOS DISPLAY is an .EXE TSR, not a device driver, and hence
//    fully support IOCTL, so they use the undocumented int 2Fh,
//    (which doesn't work in DR-DOS!). But DR-DOS' DISPLAY doesn't
//    to the typical install check i.d. anyways. FreeDOS currently
//    supports COUNTRY.SYS in their "unstable" kernel 2037, but at
//    their KEYB, "=A2oje", supports cp853 too (thanks, Henrique!).
// P.S. For MS or DR: ren ega.cpx *.com ; upx -d ega.com ; ren ega.com

short query_con_codepage() {
   __dpmi_regs regs;

   short param_block[2] =3D { 0, 437 };

   regs.d.eax =3D 0x440C;                // GENERIC IO FOR HANDLES
   regs.d.ebx =3D 1;                     // STDOUT
   regs.d.ecx =3D 0x036A;                // 3 =3D CON, 0x6A =3D QUERY
   regs.x.ds =3D __tb >> 4;              // using transfer buffer for
low mem.
   regs.x.dx =3D __tb & 0x0F;            // (suggested by DJGPP FAQ, hi
   regs.x.flags |=3D 1;                  // preset carry for potential
   __dpmi_int (0x21, &regs);

   if (!(regs.x.flags & 1))            // if succeed (carry flag
set) ...
     dosmemget( __tb, 4, param_block);
   else {                              // (undocumented method)
     regs.x.ax =3D 0xAD02;               // 440C -> MS-DOS or DR-DOS
     regs.x.bx =3D 0xFFFE;               // AD02 -> MS-DOS or FreeDOS
     regs.x.flags |=3D 1;
     __dpmi_int(0x2F, &regs);

     if ((!(regs.x.flags & 1)) && (regs.x.bx < 0xFFFE))
       param_block[1] =3D regs.x.bx;

   return param_block[1];

#ifdef TEST
int main() {
  printf("\nCP%u\n",query_con_codepage() );  // same as "mode con cp /
  return 0;

// EOF

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