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Mail Archives: djgpp/2009/05/30/20:45:28

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From: Rugxulo <rugxulo AT gmail DOT com>
Newsgroups: comp.os.msdos.djgpp
Subject: Re: Emacs pretest 23.0.94 is available
Date: Sat, 30 May 2009 17:36:32 -0700 (PDT)
Organization: http://groups.google.com
Lines: 61
Message-ID: <32562673-5f73-4d6e-913f-e875cdc8d7f7@g19g2000vbi.googlegroups.com>
References: <83hbz2517i DOT fsf AT gnu DOT org>
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On May 30, 5:34=A0am, Eli Zaretskii <e DOT  DOT  DOT  AT gnu DOT org> wrote:
> Another pretest of Emacs 23.1, v23.0.94 is available from
> alpha.gnu.org:
> =A0 =A0http://alpha.gnu.org/gnu/emacs/pretest/emacs-23.0.94.tar.gz
> =A0 =A0ftp://alpha.gnu.org/gnu/emacs/pretest/emacs-23.0.94.tar.gz
> I just built this pretest on my XP SP2 machine with DJGPP v2.03, and
> it seems to work fine.

Cool beans! Now I just built it on my other XP machine "--with-system-
malloc" (although maybe I should've rebooted with a liveCD and tried
DOSEMU ... bah, next time maybe) with GCC 4.4.0, BinUtils 2.19, DJGPP
2.04 beta, and I used -Os -mtune=3Di686. It's got everything (except *.o
and redundant .EXEs):  binaries, sources, docs, changelogs (16
MB!), .tex / .pdf, "etc", etc.  ;-)     In other words, 32 MB packed
with "7za a -mx5" (medium compression) resulting in 170 MB unpacked
(or more on FAT w/ big clusters, ugh). Brief tests show it works fine
on Vista, too. (I haven't used it too much lately, always forget, but
when you need "align-regexp", it's very very useful. And gomoku still
kicks my rump. Doctor is fairly braindead, though. I also discovered
that not all GNU Emacs ports have such a pretty colorful tetris! Ah,
dumb terminals, gotta hate 'em.)

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MD5: DF7A3D6558645A60822827668BB5D5FA"

P.S. For laughs, I locally tried stripping all the junk out
(extra .elc, docs, changelogs, parts of etc, sources) and UPXing
the .EXEs. Even then, the smallest I get with "7za a -mx5" is 14 MB.
Now looking at it, I see even more fluff that isn't needed (.png,
NEWS.*, gnus ... which only you probably understand how to get
working, a bunch of README files, ...). In other words, 60 MB
installed, and even then, I'm not entirely sure I didn't strip
something that looked unimportant but might be (rarely) needed. So, in
theory, if I (or somebody) was going to strip / split up everything
into separate packages, it'd need testing to make sure it didn't break
anything. Also need to test if building on LFN (or SFN) affects the
other. And I still say Gzip sources and/or binary could be included,
it's very small compared to what it saves (auto-compression-mode), and
that's only if it needs "gzip -9" to repack after unpacking (I forget,
does it??). It should probably be made to only unpack a temporary copy
(or to temporary dir). Otherwise, just use minigzip found in official
zlib-1.2.3/contrib/ since it's equally easy to build and works. (I
guess the Allegro Common Lisp inflate.cl is beyond anybody these days.
Oh well, I still like that idea too, but it does need converting to
eLisp *and* a .gz wrapper handler.)

P.P.S. Still no cp853 support, but since I'm literally 100% positively
the only person in the entire freakin' world who cares, I guess it's
no biggie.   :-))

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